2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
set -euo pipefail
# Helper functions
declare -i term_width = 80
h1( ) {
declare border padding text
border = '\e[1;34m' " $( printf '=%.0s' $( seq 1 " $term_width " ) ) " '\e[0m'
padding = " $( printf ' %.0s' $( seq 1 $(( ( term_width - $( wc -m <<< " $* " ) ) / 2 )) ) ) "
text = " \\e[1m $* \\e[0m "
echo -e " $border "
echo -e " ${ padding } ${ text } ${ padding } "
echo -e " $border "
h2( ) {
printf '\e[1;33m==>\e[37;1m %s\e[0m\n' " $* "
rke2_command = " $1 " ; shift
rke2_channel = " ${ 1 :- latest } " ; shift
rke2_version = " ${ 1 :- v1 .21.5+rke2r1 } " ; shift
ip_address = " $1 " ; shift
krew_version = " ${ 1 :- v0 .4.1 } " ; shift || true # NB see https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew
fqdn = " $( hostname --fqdn) "
rke2_url = " https://server. $( hostname --domain) :9345 "
h1 "Install rke2 server"
h2 " Version: ${ rke2_version } "
h2 " Server url: ${ rke2_url } "
cat >/etc/motd <<'EOF'
_ ____
_ __| | _____| ___ \ ___ ___ _ ____ _____ _ __
| '__| |/ / _ \ __) | / __|/ _ \ ' __\ \ / / _ \ ' __|
| | | < __// __/ _\_ _ \ __/ | \ V / __/ |
| _| | _| \_ \_ __| _____( _) ___/\_ __| _| \_ / \_ __| _|
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h1 "Configure rke2 server"
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# configure the rke2 server.
# see https://docs.rke2.io/install/install_options/install_options/
# see https://docs.rke2.io/install/install_options/server_config/
install -d -m 700 /etc/rancher/rke2
install /dev/null -m 600 /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
if [ " $rke2_command " != 'cluster-init' ] ; then
cat >>/etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml <<EOF
server: $rke2_url
token: $( cat /vagrant/tmp/node-token)
cat >>/etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml <<EOF
node-ip: $ip_address
node-taint: CriticalAddonsOnly = true:NoExecute
- server.$( hostname --domain)
- $fqdn
cni: calico
cluster-domain: cluster.local
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h1 "Install rke2 server"
h2 " Version: ${ rke2_version } "
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# install rke2 server.
# see https://docs.rke2.io/install/install_options/install_options/
# see https://docs.rke2.io/install/install_options/server_config/
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/rke2/$rke2_version /install.sh \
| \
INSTALL_RKE2_CHANNEL = " $rke2_channel " \
INSTALL_RKE2_VERSION = " $rke2_version " \
INSTALL_RKE2_TYPE = "server" \
sh -
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h2 "Start rke2 server"
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# start the rke2-server service.
systemctl cat rke2-server
systemctl enable rke2-server.service
systemctl start rke2-server.service
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h2 "Configure system path for rke2"
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# symlink the utilities and setup the environment variables to use them.
ln -fs /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/{ kubectl,crictl,ctr} /usr/local/bin/
cat >/etc/profile.d/01-rke2.sh <<'EOF'
export CONTAINERD_ADDRESS = /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock
export CRI_CONFIG_FILE = /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/etc/crictl.yaml
export KUBECONFIG = /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
source /etc/profile.d/01-rke2.sh
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h1 "wait for this node to be Ready."
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# e.g. server Ready control-plane,etcd,master 3m v1.21.5+rke2r1
$SHELL -c 'node_name=$(hostname); echo "waiting for node $node_name to be ready..."; while [ -z "$(kubectl get nodes $node_name | grep -E "$node_name\s+Ready\s+")" ]; do sleep 3; done; echo "node ready!"'
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h1 "wait for the kube-dns pod to be Running."
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# e.g. rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns-7bb4f446c-jksvq 1/1 Running 0 33m
$SHELL -c 'while [ -z "$(kubectl get pods --selector k8s-app=kube-dns --namespace kube-system | grep -E "\s+Running\s+")" ]; do sleep 3; done'
if [ " $rke2_command " = = 'cluster-init' ] ; then
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h2 "Copy server token to shared directory"
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
install -d /vagrant/tmp
cp /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/node-token /vagrant/tmp/node-token
2022-03-13 14:22:45 +01:00
h1 "Install krew package manager"
h2 " Version: ${ krew_version } "
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git
wget -qO- " https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/download/ $krew_version /krew.tar.gz " | tar xzf - ./krew-linux_amd64
wget -q " https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/download/ $krew_version /krew.yaml "
./krew-linux_amd64 install --manifest= krew.yaml
rm krew-linux_amd64
cat >/etc/profile.d/krew.sh <<'EOF'
export PATH = " ${ KREW_ROOT :- $HOME /.krew } /bin: $PATH "
source /etc/profile.d/krew.sh
kubectl krew version
# install the bash completion scripts.
crictl completion bash >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/crictl
kubectl completion bash >/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/kubectl
# save kubeconfig in the host.
if [ " $rke2_command " = = 'cluster-init' ] ; then
mkdir -p /vagrant/tmp
python3 - <<EOF
import base64
import yaml
d = yaml.load( open( '/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml' , 'r' ) )
# save cluster ca certificate.
for c in d[ 'clusters' ] :
open( f"/vagrant/tmp/{c['name']}-ca-crt.pem" , 'wb' ) .write( base64.b64decode( c[ 'cluster' ] [ 'certificate-authority-data' ] ) )
# save user client certificates.
for u in d[ 'users' ] :
open( f"/vagrant/tmp/{u['name']}-crt.pem" , 'wb' ) .write( base64.b64decode( u[ 'user' ] [ 'client-certificate-data' ] ) )
open( f"/vagrant/tmp/{u['name']}-key.pem" , 'wb' ) .write( base64.b64decode( u[ 'user' ] [ 'client-key-data' ] ) )
print( f" Kubernetes API Server https:// $ip_address :6443 user {u['name']} client certificate in tmp/{u['name']}-*.pem " )
# set the server ip.
for c in d[ 'clusters' ] :
c[ 'cluster' ] [ 'server' ] = 'https://$ip_address:6443'
yaml.dump( d, open( '/vagrant/tmp/admin.conf' , 'w' ) , default_flow_style = False)
# show cluster-info.
kubectl cluster-info
# list etcd members.
etcdctl --write-out table member list
# show the endpoint status.
etcdctl --write-out table endpoint status
# list nodes.
kubectl get nodes -o wide
# rbac info.
kubectl get serviceaccount --all-namespaces
kubectl get role --all-namespaces
kubectl get rolebinding --all-namespaces
kubectl get rolebinding --all-namespaces -o json | jq .items[ ] .subjects
kubectl get clusterrole --all-namespaces
kubectl get clusterrolebinding --all-namespaces
kubectl get clusterrolebinding --all-namespaces -o json | jq .items[ ] .subjects
# rbac access matrix.
# see https://github.com/corneliusweig/rakkess/blob/master/doc/USAGE.md
2022-10-08 19:07:57 +02:00
#kubectl krew install access-matrix
#kubectl access-matrix version --full
#kubectl access-matrix # at cluster scope.
#kubectl access-matrix --namespace default
#kubectl access-matrix --sa kubernetes-dashboard --namespace kubernetes-dashboard
2022-03-13 13:29:53 +01:00
# list system secrets.
kubectl -n kube-system get secret
# list all objects.
# NB without this hugly redirect the kubectl output will be all messed
# when used from a vagrant session.
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
# really get all objects.
# see https://github.com/corneliusweig/ketall/blob/master/doc/USAGE.md
kubectl krew install get-all
kubectl get-all
# list services.
kubectl get svc
# list running pods.
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
# list runnnig pods.
crictl pods
# list running containers.
crictl ps
ctr containers ls
# show listening ports.
ss -n --tcp --listening --processes
# show network routes.
ip route
# show memory info.
# show versions.
kubectl version
crictl version
ctr version