#!/bin/sh # IP blacklisting script for Linux servers # Pawel Krawczyk https://keybase.io/kravietz # # This script should be installed as /etc/cron.daily/blacklist # Emerging Threats lists offensive IPs such as botnet command servers urls="http://rules.emergingthreats.net/fwrules/emerging-Block-IPs.txt" # Blocklist.de collects reports from fail2ban probes, listing password brute-forces, scanners and other offenders urls="$urls https://www.blocklist.de/downloads/export-ips_all.txt" blocklist_chain_name=blocklists if [ -z "$(which ipset)" ]; then echo "Cannot find ipset" echo "Run \"apt-get install ipset\" or \"yum install ipset\"" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$(which curl)" ]; then echo "Cannot find curl" echo "Run \"apt-get install curl\" or \"yum install curl\"" exit 1 fi # create main blocklists chain if ! iptables -L | grep -q "Chain ${blocklist_chain_name}"; then iptables -N ${blocklist_chain_name} fi # inject references to blocklist in the beginning of input and forward chains if ! iptables -L INPUT|grep -q ${blocklist_chain_name}; then iptables -I INPUT 1 -m state --state NEW,RELATED -j ${blocklist_chain_name} fi if ! iptables -L FORWARD|grep -q ${blocklist_chain_name}; then iptables -I FORWARD 1 -m state --state NEW,RELATED -j ${blocklist_chain_name} fi iptables -F ${blocklist_chain_name} for url in $urls; do # initialize temp files unsorted_blocklist=$(mktemp) sorted_blocklist=$(mktemp) new_set_file=$(mktemp) # download the blocklist set_name=$(basename $url) curl -s --compressed -k "$url" >"${unsorted_blocklist}" sort -u <"${unsorted_blocklist}" | egrep "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$" >"${sorted_blocklist}" # calculate performance parameters for the new set tmp_set_name="${set_name}_tmp" new_list_size=$(wc -l "${sorted_blocklist}" | awk '{print $1;}' ) hash_size=$(expr $new_list_size / 2) # start writing new set file echo "create ${set_name} hash:net family inet" >>"${new_set_file}" echo "create ${tmp_set_name} hash:net family inet hashsize ${hash_size} maxelem ${new_list_size}" >>"${new_set_file}" # convert list of IPs to ipset statements while read line; do echo "add ${tmp_set_name} ${line}" >>"${new_set_file}" done <"$sorted_blocklist" echo "swap ${tmp_set_name} ${set_name}" >>"${new_set_file}" # insert new blocklist into the old set echo "destroy ${tmp_set_name}" >>"${new_set_file}" # remove old set # actually execute the set update ipset restore < "${new_set_file}" iptables -A ${blocklist_chain_name} -m set --match-set "${set_name}" src,dst -m limit --limit 10/minute -j LOG --log-prefix "BLOCK ${set_name} " iptables -A ${blocklist_chain_name} -m set --match-set "${set_name}" src,dst -j DROP # clean up temp files rm "${unsorted_blocklist}" "${sorted_blocklist}" "${new_set_file}" done